If you have an appointment planned, please don’t put off coming to see us. We know that some patients may feel anxious or think that by cancelling it will help ease pressure on healthcare services, but we are still here for you and it’s important to be seen. We’re delighted that our frontline staff are now being tested twice weekly using lateral flow testing, which alongside full personal protective equipment, provides added reassurance in our COVID-secure environments.
patient information
Above everything, patient health
and wellbeing is our absolute priority

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
patient information
Above everything, patient health and wellbeing is our absolute priority
Practical steps taken by InHealth to ensure patient and staff safety

Booking appointments and pre-screening

Arriving at our InHealth facilities

Cleanliness of our InHealth facilities
Booking appointments and pre-screening

Above everything, the health and wellbeing of our patients is our absolute priority

All of our InHealth facilities and staff work in line with Government guidance and procedures, following strict processes around cleanliness and infection control to prevent the spread of COVID-19

All patient communication, eg text and emails, share hygiene messages to reassure you of the steps we’re taking

All patients are asked to complete a COVID-19 questionnaire and declaration at the time of booking their appointment

Anyone who answers ‘Yes’ to possible symptoms will have their appointment rebooked after their isolation period, if they are well enough
Arriving at our InHealth facilities

All InHealth staff will be wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

Our InHealth staff will greet patients and check their ID on arrival

We will ask all patients a series of COVID-19 related questions to assess any changes to health since the time of booking

Anyone who answers ‘Yes’ to possible symptoms will be asked to leave the InHealth facility and have their appointment rebooked after their isolation period if they are well enough

If patients are well and answer ‘No’ to possible symptoms, they will be asked to use hand sanitiser gel before entering the waiting area

Patients will then continue with their planned assessment, procedure or examination
Cleanliness of our InHealth facilities

All our healthcare facilities are professionally cleaned daily, using chlorinated products that have anti-viral properties

All staff are trained in infection prevention and control standards

All staff use the correct and most appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and have been trained to use, and dispose of it, correctly

All items that come into contact with patients are single-use and are changed between every patient, or cleaned with a disinfectant wipe

All staff are trained in effective hand washing and are audited regularly against compliance standards

Hand sanitiser is available for all patients, visitors and staff throughout every InHealth facility

All medical equipment is thoroughly cleaned with an approved solution, plus additional cleaning of parts in close proximity to the patient between every case

X-ray, echocardiography and ultrasound machines, CT, MRI and PET-CT scanners, audiology and endoscopy suites are all subject to a daily cleaning schedule

Specialised cleaning is carried out where necessary, eg endoscopes, nasendoscopes, ultrasound probes etc

Our cleaning schedule is compliant across all InHealth facilities and is ensured by observation and audit
Here to support you
If you need any further reassurance or have any questions, please contact our friendly and knowledgeable Patient Care Team on 0333 202 0330